Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay.
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did.
the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything.
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear?
How quick the sun can drop away.
Of what was everything?
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be.
8 comentarios:
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
What a great moment of reading blogs.
It could challenge the ideas of the people who visit your blog.
Brilliant! what else can be said!
Thanks for finding me, and leaving your wonderful comment, now I've found you, and will come back often, you are an inspiration
.... que trabalho lindo.
Bueno que puedo decir de este trabajo. Esta increible, me gusto demasiado, especialmente el color. The background was great, and its a beautiful piece.
Renzo Hernandez
This is awesome. Very expressive, great colors, and wonderfully drawn.
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